What is Encryption?

When you hear the word encryption, the first thing that might come to mind is that it’s something only techies or geeks would understand, or use. In reality, the idea of encryption isn’t that complicated.

The foundation of Encryption is a system of mathematical algorithms that encodes user data so that only the intended recipient can read it. As simple as it sounds, the math and extra steps can become onerous for beginners. But before you decide to put it off for other ways to protect your online communications, a few examples might convince you that encryption is one of the best methods to safeguard your privacy, even at times when you think it doesn’t count.

Let’s say you just finished writing a document detailing a top-secret plan that will benefit your organization and all of your individual team members. You need to inform everyone what each of them needs to do, the exact location for doing their part, and when to begin. Email is the fastest way to distribute the document . . . BUT

Nobody trusts that hackers from your competition can’t intercept your email, read what you just spend weeks developing, and do their best to defeat it. In this case, the best way to assure total privacy is to encrypt the message before you send it. When you do, no matter how hard they try, they will NEVER be able to decipher the content of what you wrote.

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