Learn About Document Security

In 1949 George Orwell wrote a futuristic book titled 1984. Much later Hollywood turned it into a very scary movie.

The narrator repeated the sentence “Big Brother is watching you.” so many times I lost count. It gave the world fair warning about how present-day hackers want to invade every aspect of your privacy. Some professional snoopers have developed the ability to know everything you say and do, who you meet with, and even know where you go. As of 2025, the vast majority of the technology needed to prevent would be Big Brother style hackers from discovering the content of your secret documents is already firmly in place.

It’s a technique called encryption.

Using encryption gives you and your group the absolute privacy and air-tight security needed for all your communications needs. If you are ready to fight back, our easy-to-use system can enable you to email all your top-secret documents to whomever you want with the exact same technique The Pentagon uses to issue top secret battle plans to their field commanders. When you protect your documents this way, nobody but those you want to know what you’re doing can or will ever be able to discover what’s in your messages.